Monday, May 15, 2006

Money doesn't buy happiness

Yeah. Not like I have a lot. But I had enough to pick up an iPod Nano the other day. Now it's too small for me. I want to have all my songs at my fingertips at all times. I'm not satisfied with the approximately 715 songs it holds. It turns out I have 200% more music than that. Oops. Shouldn't I have done the math first? 715 songs is a measly 56 CDs. I have about 150. Who knew? How am I ever supposed to pick out which songs I want to have on the iPod and which ones I don't? Sure, Tori Amos it out, but what about all the others? I am so greedy and piggish. I'm not satisfied with being one of the richest people in the world. I have to have more? I am so American. Why did I buy the thing in the first place? Talk about buyer's remorse.

Walking to the library today with the distinctive white earbuds in, I thought I was so cool. Turns out I'm a chump. I'm not buying anything anymore. No more money spent. Nope. I'll just live off my roomates until I get kicked out for not paying rent. Then I'll just park my car at a different church each night and sleep in a tent up the canyon. I'll live out of trash bins and people in my ward who invite me over for dinner. I'll shower at the RB. I'm done being a slave to economics and fashion. Good buy. Oops. I mean: Goodbye.


glarcy said...

Nice...I'm glad you like it ;) If you want, I'll trade you the one I have.
It's a good thing I helped you out by losing one of your cds. that's one less that you will have to choose from! You can thank me another time.
So, do you regret the razor, too?

entrada1 said...

hmmm... perhaps it's not the smallness of the ipod that is the problem, it's the enormity of you cd collection... 150 CDs?????!!!!!

yikes! I think I'm down to about a dozen cds... badly scratched from being "played" with by two curious kids.

It sounds like a nano would be just fine for me! Thanks for the tip...


Jon said...

Yah. Fork over the cash, and it's yours.

And who knew about the CD's? I didn't.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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