Monday, February 27, 2006


To: [name surname] - Applicant Code #####

This message provides you with your Match result for the APPIC Internship Matching Program for internship positions beginning in 2006.

Congratulations! You have been matched to:



Program Code: 159711

Frankly, I'm stunned. I stared at my compter screen for five minutes just trying to take it in. I was convinced that Boston would be the place. I'm somewhat ambivalent about UNI. It has great facilities and offers a lot of diversity of experience as far as testing and therapy goes. I get a range of disorders and ages, all with an inpatient population that I am looking for. I am also close to BYU so I can continue my lines of research and keep more in touch with my dissertation chair. I'll be close to family and friends, too. But I really didn't expect this. I can't turn it down, but secretly, I was really looking forward to moving somewhere else. This will be interesting. Oh well. I guess I'll get a lot of skiing and climbing in next year.

Honestly, I'm still stunned. I don't know when it will set in. I really don't get it.

Crazy. What an interesting turn of events this was. It was kind of at the bottom of my list. After I had submitted my list, I kind of wondered if I should have even put it on there. Only Emory was lower, and I was just one of their backups to a backup. So if I hadn't put UNI on my list, I probably wouldn't have been placed. That's really kind of funny. I guess I'm not as good a candidate as I thought I was. This is a good eye-opening experience for me. I'm not sure what it all means, but I can guarantee that I'll be mulling it over from time to time until I finally figure out what I think about it. So stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Eh, the U probably just spread shady rumors about you so that other programs would pass you up, allowing you to slip into their clutches. Sort of like how sports teams badmouth a college player so that other teams with higher draft picks will let him slide. "Sure, his research is tight and he can dish the no-look diagnosis. But have you seen him try to hit the range of disorders in traffic? It's a crap shoot every time. He'll wash out before his rookie contract is up."

entrada1 said...

Yo! Jon!

That is a stunner... I didn't ever realize you had interviewed there. But it seems obvious to me now that this will be an awesome place for you.

Try skiing all winter long in Boston....


I just be the internship will be fantastic up there.

Anonymous said...

hey Bob, sucks to be disappointed, but i can say for sur ethat the 4 people i know wheo didnt get anything in the clearinghouse would kill for that site. i really hope its ends up being amazing, but i can empathize. will check back soon, take care

Anonymous said...

Man, all I can say is we're glad you're sticking around. :) We'd miss you too much over in Boston.