Sunday, March 26, 2006


Looks like I'm batting .500. Kind of....

I waited until just before time for the bass recital yesterday for C_____ to call. She never did. I assumed, of course that this meant she was still in her test. So I called just to make sure. Nope. She hadn't even started taking the test. Looks like I was wrong about her interest.

But then, that's nothing new apparently. It seems I have been wrong about L_____, J______, and C______ in the last week. It's always good to have a reality check once in a while. I think my ego was getting a little too large.

But as large as my ego was, and as small as it has shrunken to, I still met A____ at the HFAC to go to a play. She actually showed up. That was nice. We went to the play and I tried to make conversation with her. It was a little dull and forced. She appeared to have trouble looking at me. She didn't really ask me anything about myself. She appeared to enjoy talking with her friends who were there more than trying to get to know me.

Of course, there are numerous possible explinations for these behaviors. I would put money on her being a little shy. Or maybe it was the pustule spewing forth green gobs from my chin.

What do you think. Should I have plastic surgery?

Anyway, she seemed to loosen up a little after the play when we went to the resturant. But there didn't seem to be much interest there on either end. She does like to climb, so I may call her in a few weeks to see if she wants to go climbing. The problem is that there is no excitement there, even as I say that.

Which takes me back to the running analogy. There is no race right now that I know about that I can enter to even go all out. The only one was L______, and I was disqualified right out of the gate. Bummer.

I need to find another race to run. Hopefully an exotic one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your analogies about love intrigue me Bog, and I must say that I enjoy them thoroughly...always give me pause to think.

I do not think that your ego has gotten too large (but I don't doubt you feel deflated.) Rather I think that you may just be smacked around a bit now so that when that exotic minx does walk by or even approaches you, you will have that wonderful person that you are seeking for and that YOU DESERVE! These other girls seem to be undeserving of your company and time and your consideration.

I hope that this does not sound trite like "You can always do better" because I am not saying that these women are any less valuable. Simply that you deserve who you deserve and they the same. Things will happen as they should happen and I have no doubt that an exotic race will come your way.