Friday, March 17, 2006


I don't know how it happened, but I sprained my left big toe and my right thumb yesterday.

I know when it happened. It was on the landing after going off the one little cliff they have at Sundance. It was a little baby cliff, but I didn't back up far enough. I had to really launch myself off the edge just to clear it, but I didn't have enough speed to fly far enough and land in the soft snow further down. Instead I did a little wimpy fall onto the icy slope below the cliff.

But really, how do you sprain your toe doing that? I don't get it. I mean, break a leg; dislocate a shoulder; something; but sprain a toe? One toe? Who does that?

The big tragedy, however, is: will I be able to climb next week if L_____ actually wants to go? I may go to squish my feet into my climbing shoes and yelp in pain. Or maybe I'll get the shoes on fine, but as soon as I try to toe a hold, I'll be on the floor, rolling in pain.

Or maybe I'm just a wimp and it will be fine by then. It's actually not so bad now. I think I'll be okay.

Tragedy averted.

Now back to those darned analyses.

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