Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I really gotta get to bed.

But before I do, I can't keep quiet about one thing. It seems we are destined to never live down the negative stereotypes of BYU. This year, no women are even running for BYUSA President or Vice President, yet apparently 90% of the candidates' campaign staff are women.

All criticism of the usefulness of these trophy offices asside, are there no women out there willing to step out of the shadow of the unenlightened past? Yet they are willing to stand there in their best dress, holding a poorly painted, ugly sign, with non-matching colors in an attempt to attract* voters. Shame on the women for not having a little gumption themselves. And shame on the men for using them yet again as has been done for millenia. I'm angry and ashamed at the implications of this blatant symbolism.

*And yes, I did mean this as well.

Good Night.


entrada1 said...

Hey Jon!

Before you get too angry and ashamed, maybe a different perspective would help.

The lack of women running for these offices might be because they are oppressed and unenlightened. But there's probably some other possible reasons...

Why didn't you ever run for one of these offices? I didn't because I wasn't interested. I had better things to do with my time.

Maybe, overall, women are less likely to run for these offices at BYU because a higher percentage of them have better things to do than waste their time in BYUSA meetings. A higher percentage of men, on the other hand, have to trouble wasting their time with such stuff!

So, maybe the real question is: how could the men's time be better spent?

Or, now that I think about it, maybe the real question is: why am I more like the women at BYU than the men?!?


entrada1 said...

uh... that should read:

...men on the other hand, have NO trouble wasting their time...

jojoba said...

I have to agree with bobby.
I don't want to waste my time, and I feel bad for the girls who are wasting their time on something for which they'll never see any earthly reward. BUt really, if they guys are the only ones who want to run, I'm not stopping them, and I don't care who wins. I don't even know who the current pres. is.

entrada1 said...

Oh, by the way...(and this has nothing to do with any of your posts)...

What does the tiny text above your "bog grogan" title say? And what is the significance of 565?


glarcy said...

I had no idea that you felt so strongly about this...