Sunday, March 05, 2006


Is is romantic for your date to be afraid an avalanche will come down and burry you all? Or is she just trying to get a little comfort from her date? At any rate, last night was a lot of fun for me, and I think that L___ had a good time too. We talked constantly. We have a lot in common. And sledding down a long track at night in the mountains after hiking a half mile is a lot better than usual sledding excursions. She said she doesn't like the threat of death and dismemberment that comes with the usual short, steep sledding hills. I agree.

Anyway, I was more nervous for this date than I have been in a long long time. I actually thought she was out of my league. I asked her out thinking that there wasn't a chance; that she was probably dating someone, or thought I was creepy, or that she had plans, or something, anything. But she surprised me by saying she thought it would be fun. Who would have thought?

And when I randomly* met her earlier saturday at the store, she seemed pretty excited to see me and talk to me. That was flattering and surprising. It was fun.

*There have been a lot of "random" occurances with her and me. Uncanny, I should say, the way she came to the research meeting just after I had received an email about a possible study at New Haven, and she had just started working at New Haven, where I used to work.

Uncanny, and slightly irrie as well, how, when I explained my worst nightmare from childhood, she was surpised and said I had just described her worst nightmare from childhood that she had never been able to describe.

Uncanny, and interesting as well, how she has won multiple passes to The Quarry in the last year and has come to decide that climbing is something she really enjoys, has been pushed towards by fate, but doesn't have the gear, and would like to go climbing with me.

Uncanny? Perhaps.

But the thing I find most interesting is her major of making documentaries. That is so cool. I want to see some of the stuff she has done. Hopefully that will come in time.

1 comment:

entrada1 said...

Hi Jon!

Sounds like a fun date. And a LOT of strange koinkydinks. Hmmmmm....

Keep us posted!