Sunday, March 19, 2006


I went out with J_____ last night. She's a nice girl; a little timid. We had some good conversation, but it was a little forced at times. I guess I like a little more spunk in women than she was showing. I'll give it some time, though. Maybe she's just shy. I'm definately not motivated to push harder for a relationship of any kind.

At the same time, I am trying to get my mum to set me up with a woman she knows in Orem. Initial descriptions sound interesting. She sounds talented and smart. Two things I like. She plays the piano, which I love. So why not?

Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide when to call L_____. I have to remember not to analyze this one too much.

However, in the past when I have tried not to analyze, and just go with what I wanted to do, I always ended up calling too soon. I don't know what it is about women, but in my (vast :) expereince, they get freaked out if you call them before unknown set amount of time has gone by. I was just told this week that this set time is three days. The three day rule, someone called it. I had never heard of that before.

How about it, women? Is there really a three day rule? It seems to me the rule women actually operate by isn't so hard and fast. Sometimes, it seems more like a three week rule.

The way I figure it, the more the woman likes you, the sooner you can call, and have it not wierd her out. The less she likes you, the longer you have to wait before she thinks you are desparate and scary.

The other question I am running up against, is: what if either J_____ or L_____ finds my blog?

That would be a hillarious adventure. Someone could make a movie about it. Maybe I should write a book about it. I could publish chapters on my blog. That would be fun.

Oh wait, I'm already doing it. It's called my life. Hope you enjoy it.


glarcy said...

um...if it is indeed a 3-week rule, that's probably a sign they're not interested... ;)

Seriously, though, I think I'm kinda a 3-day rule type of person...I like my space.

Jon said...

That works. Thanks for the input.